Most of the training courses do not require any specific prior knowledge. They merely require self-reliance, commitment and dedication from the very first moment. Every person has the right to education and further training. Particularly in the sector of music and media, skill, creativity and team spirit are more important than having a specific school leaving qualification. It helps to have sound knowledge of the English language as well as basic computer skills. For the composition courses it is recommended to be able to play an instrument or to be willing to learn it at the same time (preferably piano/keyboard).

  • A good knowledge of English
  • Commitment, enthusiasm, an interest in music and media
  • No particular high school certificate is necessary
  • Recommended starting age is 18+ years


A grade is expressed as a percentage, based on the professional requirements during a specific task. The threshold for a performance to be considered decent is 70%. Anything above 80% is considered a good performance and anything above 90% is considered to be a very good performance. Per course, three pieces of homework are assessed as well as one presentation, a midterm exam, a final written exam and a piece of project work. We have several assessments and they provide feedback on your performance. If you underperform in one exam it will not have too much of a detrimental effect on the final result. However, continuous excellence can also lead to an outstanding result. Upon completion of a course module, each participant receives a certificate which shows all of the individual grades. Everyone who has achieved at least 70% will also receive a certificate of successful completion. Anyone who has achieved more than 95% will obtain a certificate ‚with distinction‘. Certificates are awarded for each successfully completed module. The United POP diploma on the other hand is only awarded if all modules of a given course have been successfully completed. Anyone having completed all modules ‚with distinction‘ will also obtain a United POP diploma ‚with distinction‘

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